Kaja Meyer

°1994, Denmark.
Lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.

Kaja Meyer’s praxis takes place in the sensations of becoming and undoing. In the context of each other,  entities - such as individuals, animals, different components of nature, colours, shapes -  change and form, react to one another. Dreams, ideas, longings come together through intuitive processes in her drawings and paintings, figurative as well as abstract. She prioritises joy and curiosity, as the topic itself, while also as a way to access other complex topics such as the unresolved, creative indifference, identity and environmental politics.

© Fiona Körner


Selected exhibitions:


2023, Raum ist Illustion, Kulturwerk Pinneberg, DE
2023, Crown Shyness, Kanal3, Hamburg, DE
2023, Before We Go Out, Galerie Ladøns, Hamburg, DE
2023, Tube Shaped and Legless, Kanal3, Hamburg, DE
2022, Pø om pø, Kolonadenstr. Snail Eyes, Leipzig, DE
2022, Raus auf’s Land, Raum Für Illustration, Hamburg, DE
2021, Wachsen, Knacksen, Glühen, Blühen, RFI, Hamburg, DE
2020, Expanded Book, Sootbörn Künstlerhaus, Hamburg, DE
2018, I Feel Very Uncomfortable When Your Avatar Is Looking At Me Through The Webcam, Espacio Vertice , Madrid, ES
2017, Compression, Salon 75, Kopenhagen, DK


Hernan Paganini


Julia Santa Olalla