Julia Santa Olalla

°1985, Granada, Spain.
Lives and works in Granada, Spain.

Julia Santa Olalla Creates disturbing images, crossed by something occult. She shows events with an indefinite beginning and end, where the narrative ellipses in the montage and what is blocked from view through the pictorial take on importance; this fact does not resolve the images but poisons them with uncertainty.

Santa Olalla delves into the ordinary. That zoom-in that increases the perception of what surrounds us, whether intimate or strange. This search generates disturbance and enigma. The marvellous is equivalent to the poetisation of reality and the revelation of something contained in the everyday.

Her narrative impulse is of minimalist economy where detail is in the manifestation of the painting. This happens through different degrees of iconicity and evidencing the process, Santa Olalla leaves the imprint of the painting, she does not represent the thing but presents the energy of the matter. A deployment of resources from a cold strategy that gives the right space to the accident, avoiding conflicts and corrections to achieve a finish that gives sophistication to her work.

Santa Olalla never stops to talk to us and reflect on painting itself and its narrative power. At the same time, she questions us about the evocative capacity of the visual and about the responsibility we share when it comes to interpreting our reality in the face of ambiguity and indeterminacy.


Selected exhibitions:


Solo exhibitions

2023, Las Mirlas. F2 Galería. Madrid, ESP
2022, La Caraluna. Galeria T20. Murcia, ESP
2022, Scarpia XXI. De lo espiritual. Arte Contempoáneo en El Carpio. El Carpio, Córdoba, ESP
2021, La fuente del conejo. Di Gallery. Sevilla, ESP
2020, Entre el hueco y la pared. Espacio Iniciarte. Córdoba, ESP
2019, Sodstory. Palacio Condes de Gabia. Granada, ESP
2018, Brillo de Cuervo. Amat arquitectos. Granada, ESP

Group exhibitions

2023 Encuentros atemporales, curated by Mariano Navarro. Galería Marlborough. Madrid, ESP
2022 Erretratu. SC gallery. Bilbao, ESP
2022, Selfie, curated by Ester Almeda. Galería Moisés Pérez Albéniz. Madrid, ESP
2021, Las palabras azules. Trafalgar 45. Barcelona, ESP
2020, Homemade. Di gallery. Sevilla, ESP
2020, Años 90. Galería La Causa. Madrid, ESP
2020, El eros en la pintura de hoy. MEAM. Barcelona, ESP
2019, MACC19. Sala Juán Antonio Díaz Cabra del Santo Cristo. Jaén, ESP
2019, Treinta. Casa Colón. Huelva, ESP
2018, De sonidos y silencios. The Blueant. Madrid, ESP
2018, Visiones figuradas. Centro Cultural Juan Prado. Madrid, ESP
2018, Un día en casa de Sorolla. Museo Sorolla. Madrid, ESP
2018, Mujeres artistas de hoy. MEAM. Barcelona, ESP
2017, Homeless. Void Projects. Miami, USA.
2016, Cien por Cien. The Makers. Madrid, ESP
2016, Manos expertas mentes inquietas. The Makers. Madrid, ESP


Kaja Meyer


Grip Face