Hernan Paganini

°1982, Zárate, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Currently lives and works in SeaHle, WA, US.

Hernan Paganini was born in Zárate, Buenos Aires, Argentina on January 23 of 1982; currently lives and works in Seattle, WA, US. In 2000 he began his studies focused on Graphic Design at Buenos Aires University; where he develops as a teacher during seven years in the subject Morphology alongside Enrique Longinotti.

Interested in other applications of his work he completed the Antiproyecto workshop dictated by Diego Bianchi and the Concept Clinics by Daniel Joglar and Erika Escoda. One year after he was selected to take part in the Artist Program in the Torcuato Di Tella University coordinate by Pablo Siquier (2010/11). In 2014 he was selected to make the National Arts Found Scholarship
(CONTI Grant) created by the Government of Buenos Aires.
He was selected to participate in several Residencies like El Ranchito, Matadero, Madrid, Spain(2015); Kiosko Gallery, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (2016) the Artist Residence Program of Facebook (2017) The South Biennale (2018) and MCCOLL Center, North Carolina (2020)

He moved to the USA at the end of 2017 where he currently lives and works. By means of his ongoing project Retrato del Mundo, he was selected by 4CULTURE to be the Artist in Residencefor one year working inside King County Government Department, Seattle WA during 2018/20; and additionally was selected by the City of Seattle to be the Artist In Residence at the Recology Program in 2019.

Simultaneously he has been named by the WASHINGTON STATE ARTS COMMISSION to be part of the Public Artist Roster between 2018/21 and also by the city of PALO ALTO, California to be part of the Public Art Program between 2018/20 and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture to for the Public Artist Pool from 2021/23

2009/(ongoing). Inspired in the relation between art, education, culture, and the application of these tools in the society he created a Nomadic School Workshop Project called VIAJE EN BARCO; this one has been applied for kids and adults, in several countries of Latin America, North America, and Europe.

His work was exhibited at national fairs such as ARTEBA, MAPA and internationally, as ART RIO, Brasil / ART TORONTO, Canada / ART ON PAPER, New York / RAWINGROOM, Portugal / SWAB FAIR, Spain, PINTA / Miami, among others and in recent years it has been strongly dedicated to the commissioned development of site-specific mural works on a large scale in both Argentina and the United States.



Selected exhibitions:


01. Collective show “Algún jueves un domingo”, invited by Suscripción group at Casa de la Cultura inside Guillermo Kuitca Grant
02. Collective show Monument for a basement at National Arts Found with Luciana Lamothe, Diego Bianchi, Jane Brodie, Gaston Persico and Karina Peisajovich
03. Collective show Circular Project II, Palais de Glace
04. Collective show Composition#1, SlyZmud Gallery with Andres Sobrino and Hernan Salamanco
05. Collective show Art and Viability Edition, Praxis Gallery, curated by Rodrigo Alonso
06. Solo project installation in ARTEBA for RED Gallery, curated by Santiago Bengolea
07. Individual show “Pulsando en la intersección de los fragmentos”, ALIMENTACION30, curated by Valeria Maculan, Madrid, España
08. Solo show Miercoles at B Gallery, Turku, Finland curated by Ilmari Wårri
09. NORMAL, open show for the Ranchito Residency, Matadero ‘ Madrid, España
10. Individual show UN BROTE EN EL DESIERTO, Quimera G allery
11. Commissioned mural ‘The Marathon Of The Species’ for the Government of Argentina at the Usina del Arte, curated by Ines Viturro
12. Individual show LA SED DEL MAR at Slyzmud Gallery curated by Daniel Joglar
13. Individual show ‘Solo por hoy’ at Eduardo Minnicelli Museum, Rio Gallegos, Argentina
14. Presentation of the awarded polyptych paintings at the Bienal of Young Art, organized and curated by the Argentinian Government
15. Commissioned site-specific project for Vitrum Hotel, curated by Melina Berkenwald, URRA Individual show UN FARO DETRAS DEL MAR, Quimera Gallery
16. Collective show at Mini Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland curated by Julia Van Der Meer
17. Commissioned site-specific installation project ‘The Thirst Of The Sea’ for the Embassy of Portugal in Argentina
18. Invited to the South Bienal, Caracas, Venezuela with Portrait of the World Project
19. Commissioned site-specific mural ‘The Invisible Rises’ for the Bellini Tower
20. Prueba de supervivencia, open show KIOSCO Residency, St Cruz Sierra, Bolivia
21. Commissioned site-specific murals for Facebook Offices, Artist in Residence Program in Buenos Aires, Argentina, curated by Jayelle Hudson
22. Collective Show UNIVERSE at ABRA Gallery, Caracas; Venezuela
23. 1ROOM, collective show by StudioE Gallery, curated by Dawna Holloway, Seattle. WA, US
24. Devening Projects, collective show at Chicago, US
25. Mini Gallery, collective Show. Amsterdam, Holland
26. Commissioned site-specific mural project ‘Todos los Muertos Vivos’ for the reception wall of Odeon Tower (We-Work Offices) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27. Commissioned site-specific collage on wood mural project ‘Semillas de Tornado’ for the reception walls of Dorothy Haggen building. TALBOT family, Bellingham. WA. US
28. Collective show in Smart Gallery
29. Proyecto de obra mural site-specific ‘Todos los Muertos Vivos’ que abarca toda la recepción de la Torre Odeon; oficinas de We-Work. Buenos Aires, Argentina
30. Proyecto de obra mural site-specific ‘Semillas de Tornado’ para la recepción del edificio Dorothy Haggen; familia TALBOT. Bellingham. WA. USA
31. Muestra colectiva MOSTRAR/SE en SMART Galería junto a Cacchiarelli, Stoppani&Legavre, Maculan, Prebisch, Romano, Salamanco y Sobrino
32. Proyecto de obra mural site-specific ‘Paisaje albino’ para la recepción del edificio Mendoza en colaboración con el estudio Mauer arquitectos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
33. Proyecto de obra mural site-specific ‘Lluvia blanca’ para interior de Oficinas Tester en colaboración con Swivel Interiors, Seattle, US
34. Muestra Colectiva PIEDRA, PAPEL Y TIJERA en SMART Galería junto a Quesnel, Astica, Cacchiarelli, Romano y Maculan
35. THE LAST LIGHT OF A GHOST TOWN, muestra individual en Amazon Storefronts, colaboración con Shunpike, Seatlle, US
36. PARC Fair. Lima, Perú. 2022
37. Collective Show at XO ‘ Forest for the trees. RailSpur Seattle. 2022
38. Proyecto de obra pública mural site-specific for PARK10 tower


Nuria Mora


Kaja Meyer