Tamara De Prest

°1981, Belgium.
Lives and works in Zottegem, Belgium.

Tamara De Prest is a visual artist with a background in drawing and a self-taught painter. Her main focus is working with tea bags, where her personal vulnerability is visible in the fragile material she uses. Where two-dimensional work limits her to fully tell her story, she finds complement in spatial work.

As a visual storyteller, Tamara expresses her inner world and touches on the theme of psychological vulnerability. Her creative process runs parallel to her emotions and sensory perceptions. She explores existential questions, letting go of ballast, detachment and connection. Her work constitutes a personal search for resilience, grip and meaning, with the ultimate goal of self-actualization.

By translating her own emotions, she strives to offer comfort to others, seeking to be a source of understanding for the hurting soul through her work.


Selected exhibitions:


Coming soon


Gabrielle Graessle