Malwine Stauss

°1993, Dresden, Germany.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

The world that Malwine Stauss creates in her work is multi-faceted and sometimes marked by opposites: vibrant and floral landscapes; bleak and concrete buildings. Delicate playfulness and strong shapes. Light and shadow. Utopia and dystopia.
However, Malwine’s figures inhabit this world with attentiveness, friendliness and warmth. They are self-confident and stand firmly on the ground. Together with Malwines watercolor paintings and texts, the sculptures express a synergy that tells of solidarity and friendship; vulnerability and strength, longing and hope.
Like the blending and merging colors in her paintings and glazes, a wide variety of feelings, characteristics and moods overlap within and between Malwine’s works and form a complex world, in which there are so many nuances and stories to discover within the beauty of its colors and shapes.

Text by Franz Impler


Selected exhibitions:


Coming soon


Tom Putman


Pablo Merchante