Aaron-Victor Peeters
°1994, Genk, Belgium.
Lives and works in Genk, Belgium.
Aaron-Victor Peeters' oeuvre is often complex and cannot be captured at a glance. His combined and accumulated fascinations for vehicles, technology, progress, history, stories, culture and spirituality make his artistic practice a multidimensional and kaleidoscopic universe. All possible media are used to experience and represent his narrative: from drawing and painting to photography, film, objet-trouvés and documentation, ready-mades, installations, etc.
The technique of collage also plays a major role in Aaron-Victor Peeters' work. By assembling elements from different worlds, those of cars, technology, culture and spirituality (literature, philosophy, religion) into life-size installation works, Peeters brings together various thoughts, ideologies or dream worlds in a single image.
Philippe Van Cauteren (director of S.M.A.K., Ghent): "Aaron-Victor Peeters is a persona, a low-tech Matthew Barney, an apprentice shaman, a young artist who greedily absorbs his environment (i.e. the time in which he lives) and transforms utopia and desire, speed and poetry into sculptures and installations that bear witness to events. Events that are suspected to have taken place.
Aaron-Victor Peeters makes an inner journey by deconstructing the status of today's technological symbols (cars, vespas,...) into archaic romantic vehicles where speed is replaced by inertia. The artist is well informed and aware of recent art history (Chris Burden, Panamarenko, Joseph Beuys, Bas Jan Ader,...). His young oeuvre hides the promise to a layered and complex visionary worldview that can encompass today's multi-polar world.
Selected exhibitions:
2024, Exit through the Gift Shop, Verduyn Gallery, Moregem (BE)
2024, Handpicked Horizons, MAD Art Gallery, Poznán (PL)
2024, Rum Runner, De Uitstalling gallery, Genk (BE)
2023, Lucy, gallery Tatjana Pieters gallery, Gent (BE)
2023, Compagnons de Route, Emile Van Dorenmuseum, Genk (BE)
2022, Past Proposals/Future Projects, Dingen die niet verkopen gallery, Antwerp (BE)
2021, Exoskeleton, Bruthausgallery, Waregem (BE)
2018, Selected by Marianne Hoe tand Peter de Cupere, Wilford X, Temse (BE)