Thanh Long Lam
°1981, Belgium
Lives and works in Ghent, Begium.
His desolate landscapes achieve a similar impact. His charcoal drawings push us towards reflection, questioning not only the depicted image, but also the process.
Day after the blues #53
2019 − 2022
Charcoal and pavement chalk on paper
31,5 x 23,5 cm
Selected exhibitions:
Solo exhibitions
2022, Striking Distance III – DOWN-RISING: RAAM103, Ghent
2021, Sprokkelhout, NL44, Ghent
2019, Striking Distance II: RAAM103, Ghent
2018, Platvvorm zwaait haar residenten uit: Platvvorm, Deinze
2017, Rites of Spring: Mudel, Deinze
2017, Kunstenaar in de Kijker: Kunstinhuis, Antwerp
2017, New Age of Conquerors: Kunstacademie Poel, Ghent
2015, Omission: Galerie Studio ARBOR, Zottegem
2014, Rumble of the Jungle, SECONDroom, DOK, Ghent
2010, Dag van de Kunstontleen: Kunstinhuis, CC Westrand, Dilbeek
Group exhibitions
2021, Zebrawoods replaced by Voi-Là!, Zebrastraat, Ghent
2020, Inside/Out: Kasteel Borluut, Ghent
2019, RAAM, CAS Zottegem
2019, EnRoute: Blanco, Nucleo, Ghent
2017, Rags, The Sequel: Blanco, Ghent
2015, TIG #3, Huset, Ghent
2014, Putsch: Het Entrepot, Bruges
2014, Mind The Gap: V-art, Waregem
2014, Drawing+: Light Cube Art Gallery, Ronse
2013, Bang Bang: Strickly Rabbit, Hoogpoort, Ghent
2012, Level-Up: Hoogpoort, Ghent
2011, De lading, Cordonnier, Wetteren
2011, Grafiek ontrafeld, 25e biënnale v/d kleingrafiek: De Design Vlaanderen Collectie, SteM, Sint-Niklaas
2011, Nieuwelingen 7: Kunstinhuis, CC de Schakel, Waregem
2009, 41nd Drawing Prize, Ronse
2006, Fris IV: Galerie Jan Colle, Ghent
Day after the blues #9, 2019 − 2022. Charcoal and pavement. chalk on paper. 31,5 x 23,5 cm
Day after the blues #10, 2019 − 2022. Charcoal and pavement, chalk on paper. 31,5 x 23,5 cm
Day after the blues #18, 2019 − 2022. Charcoal and pavement chalk on paper. 31,5 x 23,5 cm
Day after the blues #51, 2019 − 2022. Charcoal and pavement chalk on paper. 31,5 x 23,5 cm
Day after the blues #92, 2019 − 2022. Charcoal and pavement chalk on paper. 31,5 x 23,5 cm