Tania Font Viñals

°1978, Palamós, Spain.
Lives and works in Barcelona.

Tania Font Viñals born in Palamós on July 6th, 1978. At 6 years old she join the Cercle Artístic of Palamós of which she is still part. He learn about drawing and oil painting with Eduart de Cabrera. At the age of 13 he will be part of the students of the landscape painter Isidre Vilaseca and to study the human figure with Joan Raset.
In August 2017, she arrived as a guest for a month at the Barcelona’s Nau Bostik creation factory to make some paintings, and became a resident artist. In March 2019 he had his first solo exhibition in Barcelona: “L’inconscient”, in the Sala Nuria Hosta of the Nau Bostik. 
She currently has a sculpture workshop in Arenys de Mar where he works on his sculptures and collaborates with the director, set designer and partner Lluís Danés, They are currently collaborating on many projects, such as the Santa Mònica Museum’s exhibition “Llach, com un arbre Nu” about the singer-songwriter Lluís Llach, a muppet for the TV3 Nit de Nits  crhistmas programs called Neus or with storyboards and set design for the film "La Vampira de Barcelona" and other projects.



Selected exhibitions:


Solo exhibitions

2021, Quel Grandioso Senso di Se show, at Galeria Villa Contemporania, Monza (Milano)
2021, Quàlia, at Factoria de la Cultura de Terrassa.
2020, Mecànica Interna, The Can Mario Contemporary Sculpture Museum of the Vila Casas Foundation in Palafrugel.
2019, L’Inconscient, in the Sala Nuria Hosta of “Nau Bostik”, Barcelona.

Group exhibitions

2021, Volta Art Fair- Basilea, Switzerland, with Galeria Contrast Barcelona.
2021, Galeria Contrast, Barcelona.
2021, Dialegs, at the Galeria Espai G in Terrassa.
2019, The collective exhibition #001, the Stendhal Gallery in Barcelona.



Karel Thienpont


Steve Dean Mendes