Lode Laperre

°1966 Kortrijk, Belgium.

Lode Laperre’s first trip to South-East Asia in December 1998 piqued his interest in other civilizations and cultures. Inspired by this and many return visits, his visual arts mission notably shifted towards the creation and exploration of a remarkable and very personally-charged pictorial language, a fusion of Orient and Occident. More exhibitions followed, this time in China, Taiwan and Thailand.

Thus influenced by oriental art, Lode Laperre started experimenting with expressing his artistic vision using new media, e.g. creating ink drawings on paper and sculptures. His series of “Coprolites”, which he refers to as the “fossil excrements” of his work, are residues of painting sessions reincarnated as sculptures.

Work in private and public collections in: Belgium - China - Denmark - France - Germany - Luxembourg - the Netherlands - Portugal - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - USA - South Korea - Switzerland



Selected exhibitions:


Solo exhibitions

∞ (Infinity), Per van der Horst Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan), 2023
Enargeia, Decentralized Art Club (Ghent, Belgium), 2022
Eidolon, Galerie 10a (Otegem, Belgium), 2022
ART The Hague (The Hague, The Netherlands), 2021
For(m)a, Ruimte P60 (Assen, The Netherlands), 2020
Paragonshi-Aeongonshi, Per van der Horst Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan), 2020
Naevus, Galerie 10a (Otegem, Belgium), 2019
Zomer van Antwerpen (Summer of Antwerp), Zomerfabriek (Antwerp, Belgium), 2018
North Sea Jazz Art, Rotterdam Ahoy (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 2018
Repositorion Depositorion, Bob Smit gallery (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 2018
Synaesthetics, Trakart museum & cultural centre (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), 2018
Synaesthetics (in extenso), Maaltebruggekasteel (Ghent, Belgium), 2018
Cosmoses Cosmosis, Ruimte P60 (Assen, The Netherlands), 2017
Petrichor, Bogert Gallery (Knokke - Het Zoute, Belgium), 2017
QuasiQualia, Per van der Horst [ modern_contemporary ] (The Hague, The Netherlands), 2016
ChromoChronos, Geist-W gallery (Hsinchu, Taiwan), 2016
ChromoCryptic, Per van der Horst [ modern_contemporary ] (Taipei, Taiwan), 2016
Pictorion, Maaltebruggekasteel (Ghent, Belgium), 2016
Pearler, Per van der Horst [ modern_contemporary ] (Taipei, Taiwan), 2015
De-pict | De-posit, Per van der Horst [ modern_contemporary ] (The Hague, The Netherlands), 2015
NeXXus TWo - Lode Laperre, Geist-W gallery (Hsinchu, Taiwan), 2014
NeXXus - Lode Laperre - review 2013>1988, Broft/vanderHorst Galleries (The Hague, The Netherlands), 2013
AnneXXus - Lode Laperre - review 2013>1988, Maaltebruggekasteel (Ghent, Belgium), 2013

Group exhibitions

Stille Levens (Still Lifes), Venetiaanse Gaanderijen (Ostend, BE), 2023
North Sea Jazz Art, Rotterdam Ahoy (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 2022
Apollowlands, Ruimte P60 (Assen, The Netherlands) / Kunstenhuis (Harelbeke, Belgium), 2021 & 2022
Festival van Vlaanderen (Flanders Festival), City Forest Garden (Ghent, Belgium), 2021
Artivirals, Maaltebruggekasteel (Ghent, Belgium), 2020
Art Beijing, National Agricultural Exhibition Center (Beijing, China), 2019
ART NRD, Museum Belvédère (Heerenveen, The Netherlands), 2018, 2019
Organogenii, Per van der Horst Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan), 2018
Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center (Taipei, Taiwan), 2016
De-Generaties, De Markten (Brussels, Belgium), 2016
Biennale Of Painting, Mudel - Museum of Deinze and the Leie region (Deinze, Belgium), 2016
Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair, Cruise Terminal (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 2016
Collective Consonance, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Hsinchu County (Zhubei City, Taiwan), 2015
Inno Art (Zhubei City, Taiwan), 2015
PAN Amsterdam, RAI (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2021
Art at the Warehouse, Fenixloods (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 2013


Yolanda Dorda


Stefan Peters