Joke Hansen

°1979, Bilzen, Belgium.
Lives in Bilzen and works in Hasselt, Belgium.

Joke Hansen challenges the physical boundaries of painting. She trades in the traditionally shaped rectangular surface for an infinite array of forms and shapes. How does the shaped canvas react to the paint and brushstrokes? Or is the form of the surface dictating the gestures of the artist? With Joke Hansen, on the verge of both comfort and discomfort, a formal exchange of impulses emerges, which always seems to arrive at an open ending.

Mixed media artwork with balanced brushstrokes and circles, depicting a winding road through a mountainous landscape. - Joke Hansen

Selected exhibitions:

2025, In Dialogue with Ilse D’Hollander, Verduyn Gallery, Moregem, BE
2024, Exit through the Gift Shop, Verduyn Gallery, Moregem (BE)
2022, ‘Uitstalling’ deelname editie i.s.m. ‘Uitstalling en ‘kunstzetter’
2022, Groupshow ‘Verduyn Gallery’ Kortijk (BE)
2022, ’Art Rottedam’ Fair Rotterdam (NL)
2022, ’Art Brussel’ Fair Brussel (BE)
2022, ’MulierMulier’ groupshow Knokke (BE)
2022, ’Moment’ Groupshow Tongeren (BE)
2021, Aankoop van 6 werken door de Vlaamse gemeenschap                    
2021, voor de permanente collectie van Smak. Gent (BE)
2021, ’Nuages’ groupshow  Maison des Arts Brussel (BE)
2021, ’Between canyons and deserts’ solo show  Z33 Hasselt (BE)
2021, ’Cutouts and found papers’ duo show’ The Whitehouse’ Leuven (BE)
2020, Time is on my side’ groupshow i.s.m. Moment Tongeren (BE)
2019, Bad-beurs Gent ism Mathias Swings (BE)
2019, ’Chain' groupshow ism Hisk & Koen van den Broek Merksem (BE)
2019, ’Koresidency’ i.s.m. Stef Van Bellingen Warp Sint Niklaas (BE)
2019, Expo Vonk i.s.m. Koen Leemans C-Mine Genk (BE)
2018, Expo Vonk i.s.m. Sofie Deederen Z33 Hasselt (BE)
2018, ‘Koresidency’ Z33 Hasselt (BE)
2018, Expo Vonk z33 Hasselt (BE) 
2018, 'De Aftrap' groupshow CC Bilzen (BE)
2017, Expo Vonk Regina Mundi klooster Genk (BE)
2017, BAD-beurs Gent (BE) 


Jana Cordenier


Marcin Owczarek